Thursday 11 October 2018

Pan's Labyrinth: Postmodernism

Pan's Labyrinth: Critical Approach

Characteristics of a postmodern text that can be seen within ‘Pan's Labyrinth’:

Intertextuality – the referencing of other cultural texts; either visually or verbally within the content of the text  (Alice In Wonderland/The Wizard of Oz/Goya - paintings.)

Hybridity - the mixing and/or recycling of pre-existing genres and narratives to construct new forms or a ‘hybrid’ (Fantasy/Fairy Tales/Political/Historical/War/Drama)

Pastiche – paying ‘homage’ to older texts (see intertextuality)

Bricolage - the collection of disparate or differing objects to help explain the nature of the prevailing culture and society (links to the construction of the film - it's assembled from many different styles/ideas)

Irony – playfulness with the style, form and/or content of a text (Knows that is referencing other narratives and has fun with its style)

When answering a question from a postmodern perspective apply the key words to a wide range of scenes in your discussion. Don't just state that it's postmodern as you will also have to explain how your understanding of the film has changed as a result of studying the critical perspective.

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