Sunday 8 December 2013

British film culture test to change

The Dark Knight, although seen as a Hollywood production, passed the cultural test for British tax relief.

The cultural test which determines whether a film can qualify as a British production is set to be changed under new legislation.

Currently, films must score at least 16 out of a possible 31 points in criteria such as whether its lead actors, director or crew are British.

However the rules will be relaxed to help encourage more investment in the UK film industry.

Changes include expanding criteria to include other European Union states.

For example, an actor can be from any country so long as their dialogue is in English - meaning the production would score points in the language criteria.

The cultural test, which was introduced in 2007, is used to allow production companies to apply for UK film tax relief and is administered by the British Film Institute (BFI) on behalf of the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.

The new test will require productions to score at least 18 points out of 35 and will include an increase in the points available for principal photography and using British visual and special effects companies.

More detail on the changes are due to be outlined next week when the new legislation is laid out.
Continue reading the main story
  1. Film set in the UK
  2. Lead characters British citizens or residents
  3. Film based on British subject matter or underlying material
  4. Original dialogue recorded mainly in English language
  5. Represents/reflects diverse British culture, heritage or creativity
  6. Studio/location shooting, visual and special Effects
  7. Music recording, audio post production, picture post production
  8. British director, scriptwriter, producer, composer, key staff, crew
  9. British lead actor/majority of cast

Films need to score at least 16 out of a possible 31 points to qualify

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